- Web Driver is the web
automation tool of the moment. Web Driver skills are in demand. And
when you understand the Web Driver usage patterns, that this course
teaches, then you can increase your automation effectiveness.
- An easy way to learn an automated test tool is by learning from
the experiences of someone who knows how to use it. And that is what we do
on this course.
- In this course you will learn real world techniques associated
with the Web Driver API based on experience of using Web Driver to automate
production web sites.
- This course focuses on the information you need to get productive
with Web Driver. We don’t spend any time on the Selenium IDE, because you
won’t use that in a production environment. We don’t spend any time on padding
covering the architecture of Web Driver because you can find that
information on the Web, and you don’t need to know it, to get productive.
- Throughout the course we stress, and demonstrate, self learning
strategies so that you don’t just learn the Web Driver API in depth, you
also learn how to discover more on your own.
- eclipse-
- JDK 1.7
- Firefox 35.1 , firebug and fire path
- Set up TestNG, ANT and Selenium 2.44 for eclipse
Part - 1:
- Introduction to Core java
- Class, Methods, Inheritance, Interfaces,Exception Handling, File Handling
- i.e Core java topics which are required for Automation Testing.
- Introduction to Automation Testing
- Types of Automation Tools
- What is Selenium
- Introduction to types of types of applications
- Introduction to Web Application, and Browsers
- Introduction IDE
Part - 2:
- About Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
- Introduction to flavors of Eclipse IDE [Kepler, Luna, Mars(2015
- Introduction to Web Driver
- Basics of HTML tags
- Web Driver basic API's
- About XPath functions
- Types of Locators
- Handling with Drop down / List Boxes / Web Lists using
"Select" API
- Web Driver Wait statements
- Types of Wait Statements
- Handling with multiple windows
- Frame Handling
- Working with Bulk Elements
Part - 3:
- Handling file download pop-up using web driver
- Handling file attachment window using -Auto IT tool[Third Party
- Handling with excel work book using - Apache POI[Third Party Tool]
- Introduction Unit Testing framework tool
- usage of unit testing framework tool in automation testing
- Introduction to TestNG [Test Next Generation ] &Annotations
- About "Batch execution in TestNG"
- About "Parallel Execution TestNG"
- Introduction to framework and it's components
- Introduction to Page Object Model
- About page design pattern
Part - 4:
- About Hybrid frame work with POM
- Design Hybrid framework with all components
- Handling certificate errors in IE,Chrome,Firefox
- Data Base Connection using selenium web driver
- Generate XSLT reports for Test Execution
Along with
- SVN [Version control tool ]
- Jenkins
- Ant – as a build tool and to generate XSLT Reports.
- Basics of Grid-2
- Implement automation framework
for a real time project with your hands of experience.
Course Goals and
- By the end of this course you will have a working knowledge of
the Web Driver API
- You will know how to create effective synchronization routines to
minimize intermittency
- You will know how to investigate the functionality of Web Driver
by looking in the Web Driver code
- You will know how to craft effective assertions using JUnit and TestNG
- You will understand how to run your tests on different browsers
- You will understand different locator strategies and know how to
use both CSS selectors and XPath selectors
- You will know end to end handling of selenium automation
framework designing
Online Course
Outline Additions:
v I use GoToMeeting for providing online
v Shares my desktop using GoToMeeting during
training sessions.
v Sessions will be interactive mode and can
ask many questions as possible for clarifications.
v If you missed out of any of the session,
can plan for other suitable timings.
v Course Material should be E-Mailed to your
Mail ID’s.
v You can attend my training sessions as long
as possible with free of cost.
v Training session will be provided in
practical oriented and purely Real-Time
v As well as the lectures , we will provide
§ Sample Resumes according to their
§ Interview questions – with answers
Duration: 45 hours
For Class Room training or On-line Training
E-mail: ftindia@outlook.com or sparimi1@outlook.com
Mobile: +91 829 709 0603 or +91 944 141 0209